
Full name Steve Tsilimos

Aka Seed

Date of birth 01/03/1988

Zodiac sign Pisces

Home town/state & country Lisbon / Ohio

Short bio You know the American movies about the quarterback of the football team that turns in to hippie right? Well, that is my story. Grew up in a small town playing sports while thinking someday I'll have a high paying job which will provide me all the things I want. At 28 years old Saturn returned, and the fiery planet brought me back to my roots and sparked my interest in plants and ethnobotany. Permaculture and herbalism have become the main topics of my study as I am learning to become a steward for the Mother Earth. Came to Punta Mona for two weeks and three years later I am calling the place home, still. Punta Mona has provided a place to deepen my understanding in many of things that interest me: Permaculture, Yoga, herbalism, cooking, and playing like a child.

Occupation Vagabond

Spoken languages Fluent English, Basic Spanish

Favorite fruit of all time Marang

Interests Everything. I am working to becoming a jack of all trades.

Skills Yoga teacher, Herbalist, writer, music, carpentry, farming.

Instagram @justeve022


First arrival date at Punta Mona 10/03/2018

Total time at Punta Mona Over 2 years

Your field of work at Punta Mona Whatever Punta Mona needs most, which is lab and people care right now.

Services & classes you provide at Punta Mona Yoga, herbalism, fermentation, permaculture.

Your Punta Mona superpower Know things

Best Punta Mona memory Sola, Rambo and all the puppies being born.

Punta Mona's impact on your life Punta Mona has helped change my life in every way possible. It has changed my whole path and perspective on life.