
Full name Emma Skov Thorsted

Aka Yoshi, Emmi, Sunflower

Date of birth 29/06/1996

Zodiac sign Sun in Cancer

Home town/state & country Aarhus, Denmark

Short bio I am a very loving, playful and sensitive being. I have a very curious and adventurous spirit and have sailed across the Atlantic, been a sledge-dog musher in the cold north, dived to the deep depths of the ocean, travled to various places in the world and lived within many beautiful communities. My passion is to create meaningful and intentional experiences for people; at private gatherings, events, and festivals. I have always seeked communities and love being i creative, expressive and loving enviroments. In my free time I love exploring nature, traveling, and gaining new knowledge from other people with passions to share. I am a nothern elf on the seek for fellow magical creatures such as fairies, wizards, witches, magicians, and many more.

Occupation Student of Life

Spoken languages Fluent in English and Danish, Basic Spanish and German

Favorite fruit of all time Guanabana

Interests Nature and outdoors, humans, herbalism, experience design, cooking, communities, social ecosystems, rituals, moving, dancing, and playing.

Skills Learning new skills and staying curious

Instagram @your_best_dilemma


First arrival date at Punta Mona 25/02/2020

Total time at Punta Mona 5-6 months

Your field of work at Punta Mona Farm, Kitchen, Lab and Events

Services & classes you provide at Punta Mona Group Facilitation, Community Circle, Womens Circle, Event and Experience Design

Your Punta Mona superpower Igniting playfullness

Best Punta Mona memory 1: At the end of a hard, warm and beautiful farm-day I harvested, tasted and shared my first fresh cacao fruit with Candela in the sunset. 2: A magical hike with Spencer to the bat-cave finding a guanabana, smoking out from a banana, and ending with a swim in the moonlight and bioluminescene.

Punta Mona's impact on your life Punta Mona has given me so much. It has empowered me to fully express myself by being comfortable in my weirdest self, my body, daring to speak my truth, and following my heart. Living with beautiful people from all over the world in the jungle has expanded my perspective on love, life, and connections. Punta Mona has ignited my spiritual journey and taught me beautiful crafts and skills I will keep sharing and practicing. Punta Mona and the Puntamonians will forever have a special place in my heart.