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Full name David Eaton

Aka Dave

Date of birth 03/04/1984

Zodiac sign Aries Sun, Tarus Moon, Leo Rising

Home town/state & country Olympia WA, USA

Short bio I grew up an only child and built community through teamwork and play. I tried on many careers before finding my way to managing people, systems, and community dynamics. I spent time as a preschool teacher, social worker, massage therapist, crew lead, and handyman. I have always enjoyed learning new things and sharing what I learn with others. In my free time I love diving into the esoteric realms and exploring the infinite space of the human experience to continue to expand my perspective on life. Philosophically, I tend towards Taoism, and find my strength from an ever deepening trust in myself, my biological and chosen family, the world around me, and humanity as a whole.

Occupation Community Director

Spoken languages Fluent English, Basic Spanish

Favorite fruit of all time A fresh juicy peach.

Interests People, regenerative systems, empowerment, simple living, Tarot, play, mindfulness.

Skills Identifying Patterns, Strategy, holding space, teaching, massage.

Instagram @eatonbyatiger


First arrival date at Punta Mona 18/04/2019

Total time at Punta Mona Coming up on 2 years!

Your field of work at Punta Mona Community Director

Services & classes you provide at Punta Mona Tarot, Massage, Energy work, Heart Centered Leadership, group facilitation

Your Punta Mona superpower Being in the flow

Best Punta Mona memory Treehouse finger bananas with TJ and Steve

Punta Mona's impact on your life Punta Mona has given me the space to grow into a man and become a heart centered leader. I've had the incredible opportunity to implement systems of empowerment that help people ignite and cultivate their passions. Watching people grow at Punta Mona is an incredible gift and I'm forever grateful. The impact of living with people from all over the world has expanded my perspective on life, connection, communication, and what humans are capable of.