Full name Brielle Monegro
Date of birth 10/02/1998
Zodiac sign Aquarius
Home town/state & country NJ, USA
Occupation Yoga Instructor, Health Coach & Herbalist
Spoken languages Fluent English, Basic Spanish
Favorite fruit of all time Bidiba
Interests Herbalism, yoga, farm to table, regenerative living, dance, holistic health, alternative living
Instagram @wandersofgaia
Facebook Brielle Monegro
First arrival date at Punta Mona 14/10/2020
Total time at Punta Mona 6 months
Your field of work at Punta Mona Lab
Services & classes you provide at Punta Mona Yoga classes
Your Punta Mona superpower Booty shaking.. or make one up for me lol
Best Punta Mona memory My birthday
Punta Mona's impact on your life Always impacting my life, communication with others, living in community, raw authentic love, farming, knife skills, kitchen skills, regenerative farming and arts, resilience, discipline, what’s really important to me in life, harvesting, planting, herbalism, permaculture, relationship building, intuitive powers, connection to source.